Plot Ultraman Neos
Ultraman Neos is a Japanese tokusatsu show, being the 15th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultraman Neos was initially intended as a TV series but the project was shelved. Years later, Tsuburaya turned the concept into a 12-episode direct-to-video series. In spite of the appearance of similar designs and a cameo by Zoffy, the series is set in an alternate universe.
Ultraman Neos
Toku premiered the series in the United States with English subtitles on May 1, 2017. On Friday, September 29 the entire series was made available for viewing on Verizon’s go90
Ultraman Neos
In the first decade of the 21st century, Earth has crossed over the Unbalance Zone once in every 3 million years, which caused various unnatural phenomenon on Earth to occur. Having survived the destruction of a space satellite, Kagura was bonded to Ultraman Neos as they fight against the monster brought to life by the Dark Matter mutations with the assistance of HEART and a fellow Ultra veteran, Ultraseven 21. During that time, Kagura crosses paths with Alien Zamu,
Ultraman Neos
a race of extraterrestrial aliens who took refuge on Earth when their planet was ravaged by the effects of Dark Matter. In the final episodes, Mensch Heit try to exterminate this alien race by sending Grall and threatened the Japanese defense forces for cooperation. With Neos and Seven 21 nearly died from exhaustion, Esura, the last surviving Alien Zamu sacrificed his life to replenish both Ultras as they defeated the demonic ruler and avenge the extinct alien race. Neos and Seven 21 returned to their home planet as the former separated from Kagura and HEART vowing to restore the Zamu race.
Ultraman Neos