Plot Kamen Rider Revice
Kamen Rider Revice is a Japanese Tokusatsu drama in Toei Company’s Kamen Rider Series. It is the third series to debut in the Reiwa Era and the thirty-second overall, and serves to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the franchise. The series premiered on September 5, 2021, joining Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger in the Super Hero Time line-up after the finale of Kamen Rider Saber. Hanta Kinoshita serves as the head screenwriter for the series.
Kamen Rider Revice
The series motif is animals, stamps and demons.
On May 23 2021, Toei Company Ltd. confirmed and filed a trademark patent to the Japan Patent Office and the office formally announced it on their Twitter account. In June, Revice was revealed to the public in promotional posters for the movie Superhero Senki with toy magazine promos a few weeks later.
Kamen Rider Revice 2021
On July 27, 2021, Toei held a press conference to unveil the heroes and further discussed the details of the show. The series premiered on September 5, 2021.
Kamen Rider Revice – Kamen Rider Series 2021
Deadmans is an organization that worships demons. Through the use of mysterious Vistamps, monsters called Deadman are born from within humans. Fighting to protect his family from Deadmans’ clutches is Ikki Igarashi. He himself has a contract with Vice, a demon that lives within Ikki’s body. Together, they transform into two Kamen Riders: Ikki as Kamen Rider Revi, and Vice as Kamen Rider Vice. Together, they are Kamen Rider Revice!
Love all the references in the suits and hemshin sounds to previous rider
Kamen Rider Nikusa Live and Nikusa Evil
i think ikki and vice should make out sloppy style
The last couple episodes not working
why the choking sign and why does it say crash?
also friendship unlocked the new power up in episode 13?
that soon too. at one percent? not like 50%? i mean thats a big thing in anime but it was stuck and at one percent? thats very dumb
episode 48 47 49 50 wont load
a truly good person ALWAYS questions if what they are doing is right a villain is always sure they doing the right thing and never question it
Man this season hits different than any other rider season.
It starts off kinda slow and fun, With references to old riders in every new form revice gets.
And then you just start to realize this show aint fucking funny. Its depressing as hell..
Ikki fights for the safety of his family while slowly losing all his memories of them.. Ouch..
Karizaki going berserk just wanting to have a final moment with his dad because he was a little late..
Daiji having an inner conflict for half the show just for him to realize everything he had done was hurting the people he did it for..
Man Revice aint like other rider shows. Its a slow burn but its still hella hot.
I love this show so much! Thank god i didnt skip it just because i didnt like zero-one.
(this is probably my 4th favorite season so far)
Hate on me for liking zi-o all you want. I just love the actors and it has Decade which is my favorite kamen rider personality wise.
The amount of people not noticing the Gurren lagann reference in episode 24 is baffling.
“I believe in karizaki, So believe in me who believes in him!”
fuiyou it so good
Ep:9 ‘s SLAP is best thing in this serie
Okey…. EP:28 have a nice SLAP TOO!!
the episodes won’t play in HD. the auto sets them to 480p and when I manually change the quality it has no effect
who is the guy in suits (with background in flames) in the op?
it’s just ikki
No it’s not Ikki. It looks like a younger version of Akaishi. Am I right or am I wrong?
it quite literally is Ikki. Same actor and is confirmed by the producers to have been added to the opening just because it looked cool rather than anything story relevant
have you tried pausing? Cause its just Ikki… And then they flip so its vice on top and Ikki on bottom.. Just like when they switch places in episode 24.
So yes its Ikki alright..
Episode 49 still won’t play for me.
Please try again.
Same. Keep getting an error code
Episode49 won’t open for me either
What a wonderful season.
Can’t wait for the crossover special of Revice and Geats!
Geats: Yes I read about the up coming event online
nice Geats has appear in the end of the film
I did.
Will you post the next episode tomorrow? With subs or will we have to wait till monday?
I am becoming very anxious. POST THE EP ALREADY!!!!
So for three days now I’ve tried but the video refuses to play. Reloading, clearing history, turn off and on, same 224003 Error Code. I see others have commented the same and got an answer of “Try Again”. That doesn’t seem to be working here, how many times should I try again? Should it eventually work? No joke, I’m honestly asking, just making sure I’ve done everything I can. Hopefully this can start working.
You can capture errors and send them here
The final Revice episode will come out on my birthday…
Happy early birthday!
The video cannot be played error
Please try again
Still the video cannot be played
Please try again
Its not helping
Vice is going to do an OOOs and die like Ankh but reappears in movie specials
Let’s just hope and pray that in the 10th anniversary movie, Ikki doesn’t die. I would literally cry if he does.
Wait, how did you know????
Episode 49 refuses to play.
Video file cannot be played error code 224003
this video file cannot be played. Error code 224003?? Ep 49
Please try again.
the file says it won’t play
Please try again.
Cannot be played, error 224003
Please try again.
thsi is yugioh vrain case but in kamen rider and love. great job.
When will there be subtitles though
F*** Revice man
Bro what
The suits and actor are good looking ngl, so I see your point
That’s not what he meant but I agree
hmm episode 49 when ? 9 A.M ?
When is ep 49 coming out????
let see if final ep gonna be good or bad end
Who knows. Maybe one, maybe the other, maybe both! I’ve seen the preview for the penultimate ep coming up. Let’s just hope Vice doesn’t tear Ikki to shreads.
well let’s see for the final episode if they happy ending or it’s an a bad ending
is there no subs yet for EP 48?
Just wait, impatient ass nigga…
It started out great but come the halfway point the series gets iffy. Tamaki and Daiji deserved better, and Hikaru should have never had a belt (What was the point of the Holy upgrade?).Hana’s belt should have been Sakura’s upgraded form.
I know, like, why even have the Holy upgrade? I like the final forms for the siblings. I just wish that they would make a televised debut of Kangaroo Genome and Igarashi. Hikaru as Kamen Rider Over Demons in the beginning was pointless. It should have been Tamaki from the start. And Why send Daiji on this full on path of rage against Ikki when he wasn’t even the cause of Akemi’s death. THAT’S why he was acting like such a brat. And what the hell happened to Orteca? I know he’s in Weekend’s custody, but we haven’t seen him since episode 45. Why even make him the evil version of Demons in the first place?? I feel like the plot of Revice is just officially f*** up. In the beginning, I was like, “Okay, pretty interesting.” Now I’m like, “What The Hell is this? Did someone just threw Daiji’s brain in the f*** trash? WHAT THE f*** IS THIS???? Hiromi coming back DURING A CRISIS?!?!? WTF is wrong with you! OMG. You just got rid of George as the new Demons. What the hell are you guys thinking? AND YOU KILL AKEMI!!!!! WHY???? this is dumb. y’all have no f*** ass clue what you’re doing. wait…WHAT?!?!?!?!?! GEORGE IS BAD NOW, WHAT THE f*** ARE YOU DOING? Okay, that’s just a waste of a suit then. This show has just turned to shit.”
Hey, chill they’re just publishing the episodes. Take it out on toei’s feedback
Did you get battle familia?
Is it out
Dude it won’t be out until December or January just be patient
oh My GOD. I have absolutely no patience whatsoever.
When will kamen rider geats show up on tokuzilla?
it hasn’t even aired yet, somehwere in september geats will air
Right now.
Please add fuuto pi we need the anime kamen rider series to come out so we can watch it and we rely on you to get episodes 1st
bro,you can find it on every anime site, and they appear pretty fast on those sites too.
thats an anime, not a toku. it’s already on crunchyroll and on ****.
It’s kinda sorta both, Chase. It’s just Kamen Rider W eps but in anime and different voice actors. To me, it’s like the VA’s are trying to seduce us.
Dis you get hit with a rock? ITS TOKU TOKU MEANS HEROES Kamen Rider No matter how it is is still heroes!
ep 46 keeps saying video file cannot be played
Please try again.
Will you add Fuuto PI
We do not upload Anime.
But its kamen rider w Anime pls
Is that so? I’ve seen multiple anime stuff uploaded here so what gives?
e\crunchy roll dont even need to [ay but will have ads
When do captions usually come out?
I keep having the exact same thing as build fan but on episode 9 with loading error.
We play normally. Please try again.
I see Vice likes Terriermon!
Jeannes new form looks ugly
it’s so basic..
same as always, female riders getting sidelined
Stfu and dont comment if you dont have anything nice to say about the show
When you are gonna have the subtitles though
10% of the comments: *Actual discussion on the show*
The other 90%: *Kamen Rider Tech Support*
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