Plot Kamen Rider X
Kamen Rider X translated as Masked Rider X, is a Japanese tokusatsu superhero television series. It was broadcast in 1974 on the Mainichi Broadcasting System and NET, now known as TV Asahi. It is the third entry in the Kamen Rider Series of tokusatsu shows. It starred Ryo Hayami in the title role.
Kamen Rider X
Robotics scientist Keitaro Jin and his son Keisuke become caught up in the campaign of terror by an evil organization known as “G.O.D.”. They are attacked and the professor’s technology gets stolen, but before Keitaro dies, he is able to perform surgery on his son.
Kamen Rider X
With the last of his robotics technology, he transforms his son into “Kamen Rider X”. To avenge his father’s death and ensure the safety of the entire world, Keisuke uses this technology as he battles the monstrous minions of G.O.D.
Episode 32 has the wrong subtitles. Can you fix it? Thank you.
Episode 23 doesn’t work error code 230000
Fixed it.
The translation for episode 24 is awful
Episode 4 can not watch due to error code 230000. Thank you.
Please try again.
The timing of the subs is way off for episode 25
Fixed it. Thank you letting us know.
why is the Subber calling Kamen Rider X Masked Rider X
Because Kamen is Masked in Japanese, that’s why
Hi, I’m from India. I have seen that the episodes 24 to 35 do not have proper subtitles. Can you please look into the matter? I enjoy watching Super Sentai, Kamen Rider and Ultraman online. I will be grateful to you if proper subtitles are added to episodes 24 to 35.
Hello, Incorrect translation?
Ep 4 and 10 don’t work issues error 232011
Fixed it. Thank you for let me know.
hey ep 4 and 10 seem to be down. Please please look into getting them back up this is the greatest show ive eveer seen
Fixed it. Thank you for let me know.
episode 32 got the wrong subtitles not complaining just saying
episode 32: timing of the subtitles is way off.
What happened to the subs from Episodes 24-35?!
What happen?
They all have incorrect English, poor grammar, and some subtitles are timed wrong or jammed together.
Not to mention the out of sync timing of the subtitles.
thats true i see it my zelf
their HK subs so yeah their not going to be pretty
i’ve been looking for these subs and the only ones i can find have episode 24-35 where done by HK Subs or Hong Kong Subs which are known for poorly done subbing
please load the video, i cannot watch the next episode video because the video cannot watch or cannot start
Which episode?