Plot The High School Heroes
The High School Heroes is a tokusatsu mini-drama produced by J Storm Inc. and Toei, and broadcast by TV Asahi in 2021.
The High School Heroes
Starring members of Johnny’s JR, this show written by Takahashi Yuya revolves around a Goranger Otaku who gathers together schoolmates (a Basketball Player, an Ace Baseball player, the most popular kid in school, the dance team captain, an artist) to combat the evil “Mazin” (Demons) that are taking over people.
The High School Heroes – Full series
Also appearing will be none other than Akaranger, as our main character shares a certain “fate” with the Goranger team, and he will appear to encourage him at times. The starring singing group will of course sing the theme song.
The High School Heroes 2021
Lol is funny how akarange wondering around 😂😂
i love this show
This series is like a reboot of the first Super Sentai, which is Himitsu Sentai Goranger.