Plot Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy is an American television series and the seventh season of the Power Rangers franchise, based on the Super Sentai series Seijuu Sentai Gingaman. The series was the first to follow the Sentai tradition of a new cast with each new series
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The character Kendrix (Valerie Vernon) was killed off two-thirds through the season, marking the first time that a Ranger was killed off in the series. Kendrix was written out of the show as Valerie left the show for a while to be treated for leukemia.[5] Her treatment was successful and she returned for the season finale.[6] This particular season of Power Rangers has been noted to be the most expensive production of the series to date
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Set after the events of Power Rangers in Space, four young adults (Leo and Mike Corbett, Kai Chen, and Kendrix Morgan) are leaving for the space colony Terra Venture seeking a new world like Earth. They later meet a mechanic named Damon Henderson, and on the Moon, a jungle girl named Maya who leads them to five mystical swords known as the Quasar Sabers on her home planet of Mirinoi. After pulling the blades out of a stone, Mike falls into a crevice, but not before passing his sword onto younger brother Leo.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
With the Quasar Sabers, they transform into the Galaxy Power Rangers and use them to battle space villains from two different parts of the galaxy. These villains include Scorpius, Trakeena, Deviot and Captain Mutiny. Along the way, they discover Zords known as Galactabeasts and ally with the mysterious Magna Defender, a galactic warrior. Though he later dies, he manages to reveal that his host body is Mike and passes the Magna Defender powers to him.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
When Deviot revives the evil Psycho Rangers, the Rangers of Power Rangers in Space show up to aid the Galaxy Rangers in destroying them. During this saga, Kendrix Morgan, the Pink Ranger, sacrifices herself to protect the Pink Space Ranger and Terra Venture from Psycho Pink. Karone, sister of the Red Space Ranger Andros and former evil princess Astronema, is given the powers of the Pink Galaxy Ranger from Kendrix (who appears as a spirit), and joins the Rangers in the battle to protect Terra Venture.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Deviot later reads secret words from the Galaxy Book; sending Terra Venture and himself into the “Lost Galaxy”. Here the Rangers encounter Captain Mutiny and his Swabbies. These space traveling pirates live on the back of a massive space faring dragon inside a castle. Deviot reemerges and joins the Captain’s fight against the Rangers and attempts to turn all of the citizens of Terra Venture into his slaves for the purposes of mining for “Booty”.The colony escapes the galaxy after Mike sacrifices his powers to keep a portal open.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
After this, Deviot returns to Trakeena, but, by this time, she has learned of his treachery and tries to destroy him. She chases him through the ship and into the cocoon that Scorpius made, fusing them together and driving Trakeena insane. Using her army armed with bombs, she cripples Terra Venture and destroys the Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazords. This forces the colony’s people to evacuate to a nearby planet. Trakeena gives chase but the Rangers destroy her ship by self-destructing the Astro Megaship, but the explosion leaves Leo stranded on the moon. Trakeena, who survives the blast also, albeit scarred and injured, finally reaches her breaking point and uses the cocoon to transform into an insectoid creature to enter Terra Venture’s wreck and use her power to set it on a crash course to the planet below to destroy it and the people . Leo enters and soon followed by the other Rangers try to stop her, but are slowly outmatched by Trakeena’s new power. She is only defeated after Leo, using his Battlizer, blasts her at point-blank range nearly destroying himself in the process. By this time the colony is nearly crashed but the Galaxy Megazord diverts its course and lands it on a large clearing in an explosion, the colonists, having feared the worse for the Rangers, are relieved and overjoyed when they come out of the explosion on the Galactabeasts. After this, the Zords reveal to the Rangers they had landed on is Mirinoi and return the swords to the stone altar. This restores its petrified inhabits and, to the joy of the Rangers, restores Kendrix to life as well. After this the colonists settle on Mirinoi as the series ends.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
I always love lost galaxy rangers