Plot Genseishin Justirisers
Genseishin Justirisers is a tokusatsu superhero TV series produced by Toho and airing on TV Tokyo. This series is the second in Toho’s Seishin (Star God) series. The show aired 51 episodes between October 2, 2004 and September 24, 2005.
Genseishin Justirisers
The Justirisers are three chosen humans who are given the mysterious Justipower, the “Earth’s will” that was discovered by the Riserseijin Noulan who utilized it to seal away Kaiser Hades long ago. Each of those powers are based on the Four Symbols of Chinese Origin. Each one is equipped with an In-Loader. By combining Justipower and characteristic element in their body, the In-Loader makes them generate a high-powered suit of armor which transforms them into a Justiriser. The transformation call is “Souchaku!” (“Equip!”). The In-Loader also acts as a communications device between the three Justirisers.
Genseishin Justirisers
oh so this is the show i watched on those b*****g CDs as a kid