Plot Ninja Sentai Kakuranger: Act Three – Middle-Aged Struggles
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger: Act Three – Middle-Aged Struggles is a TTFC-exclusive special serving to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Ninja Sentai Kakuranger. The special was announced alongside a 30th Anniversary Edition of the Doron Changer.
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger: Act Three – Middle-Aged Struggles
It takes place 30 years after acts one and two of the TV series, where the Kakurangers are now middle-aged adults.
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger: Act Three – Middle-Aged Struggles English sub
I Loved This Movie Kakurangers Still Got It After 30 Years. It’s a Shame We Didn’t Get a Jetman or Dairanger 30th Anniversary Movie Can Wait To See The Ohranger 30th Anniversary Movie.
They are legendary to made this come back.
ok if they cant use the doron mrpher how they have powers in ohranger vs kakuranger gokaiger legendary battle and nininger
Maintaining Continunity is one of the main issues with Toku content. As the rangers in the final episode of their season say they can no longer morph, but in the next seasons crossover they’ll be able to morph no question
Crossovers is pushed in a chronological order and the issue is that they cannot transform since 29-30 years prior since the original series come out.
Absolute legends for make this comeback.
Kakuranger, hurricaneger and ninninger next….all the ninja sentais
… Nanami, Kouta and Kinji in the Ending Dance.
Toei, What are you planning here?