Plot Daitetsujin 17
Daitetsujin 17 is a 1977 tokusatsu series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei. It revolves around a giant battle robot commanded by a young boy who fights the giant robots of an evil organization bent on world conquest. It is similar to Giant Robo (show) in premise and how it ends.
Daitetsujin 17
Several episodes were edited into a TV movie shown in the United States under different titles, including The Defenders and the Great Brain and Brain 17.
The opening theme was performed by Ichirou Mizuki, Koorogi ’73 and The Chirps.
Daitetsujin 17 – 1977
Popy manufactured several toys based on the series – notably a transforming Chogokin version of the robot One-Seven (later released in America for the Godaikin line), vehicles based on One-Seven’s Flying Fortress mode, the Sub Machine Flying Car, the Shigcon Tank and the Shigcon Jet, and a three-inch version of One-Seven, which was later released as “17” in Mattel’s Shogun Warriors line.
Daitetsujin 17 – English sub
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