Plot Moon Spiral
Moon Spiral is a late-night TV series produced by Tsuburaya Productions. The first three episodes aired in May 1996, while all four episodes were released on VHS and LaserDisc on September 1, 1996.
Moon Spiral
On October 1, 2018, the series reaired as part of EX Maniacs (EXまにあっくす, Īekkusu Maniakkusu), a programming block for obscure media on TV Asahi.
Synopsis Moon Spiral
In 1999, a detective named Kisaku Hakko and his daughter Chihiro fight against a mysterious organization called the “Moon Spiral”, which is secretly working to bring about the end of the world prophesized in Nostradamus’ poetry collection “Les Prophéties”.
Moon Spiral English sub
If you’re reading this just to glance at the series, please watch episode 4 if nothing else. Trust me.