Plot Dogengers Metropolis
Dogengers Metropolis stars Shion Tsuchiya (Kamen Rider Fourze) as Meguru Shiraishi, who transforms into a new hero named Special Duty Police Hyakutoban! This is his first lead role in a tokusatsu project.
Dogengers Metropolis
Like the previous seasons of Dogengers, the heroes that were introduced in prior seasons such as Rookie (role reprised by Kaoru Masaki), Great-2 (role reprised by Go-Busters‘ Katsuhiro Suzuki), MAKO (role reprised by Sora Fujimatsu), and friends will all make their return in this season!
Dogengers Metropolis 2023
Dogengers Metropolis is performed by Fuki, while the new ending theme is an updated version of Dogengers: High School’s ending theme titled “We Love You! Dogengers (Metropolis ver.)” by Asuka Kozuka.
Dogengers Metropolis English sub
Dogengers: Metropolis is set to premiere this April 9th on KBC in Fukuoka and on YouTube at 10am JST, and will now have longer episode runtime as the series upgraded from a 25-minute timeslot, to a 30-minute timeslot.
finally it is subbed
Make ’em say, uhh
Na, nah, na, nah
(Na, nah, na, nah)
Make ’em say, uhh
phenomenon PHENOMENON
thank you 🙂
Dang why this thing never has new subs it has been months already?!
How come it’s still not subbed past episode 4 ?
5 is out but hasn’t benn posted here yet
Dogengers ohgaman guys love you
Has the series been subbed fully now?
Sadly not, it doesn’t seem like they want to sub it at this point.
Great start to a fun series. I’m hoping to watch the rest but they need subtitles. I heard from these comments that only the first 4 are subbed which is a crying shame.
episode 5 subs soon?
So, did this just stop getting subbed?
episode 5 just got snubbed by the group but it hasn’t been uploaded on the site yet.
The season is almost over and over half of it still lacks subtitles 😭
There are no subtitles after episode 4
Episodes 4 5 and 6 also lack subtitles
Episode 3 finally got subs 🙏🙏🙏
There are no subtitles for episodes 3..
please upload sub ep 3
PLEASE add subs!
anything on episode 2 subtiltles?
still nothing?
Seems like Ouja is here
Any updates on episode 2’s subtitles?
When will the subtitles come for episode 2?
Where in God’s name are The subtitles
will you add MMPR: Once and Always
I love the site, the subtitles are good, but unfortunatelly ther video takes too long to load. It loads about 1 to 2 minutes then starting loading again taking ages