Plot Dogengers: High School
Dogengers: High School – On January 10, the official Dogengers Twitter account revealed a first teaser visual and logo of the upcoming production!
Dogengers: High School
But many won’t have long to wait because this third season will begin in April 10, 2022! It will air on Japanese television on KBC TV at 10:00 am Sunday mornings, and it will also be viewable on Aku no Himitsukessya’s YouTube channel.
Dogengers: High School – 2022
The series will once again see Nobuhiro Suzumura as director, but little else is known as of this writing.
Dogengers is a tokusatsu production based in Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan that began in 2020.
Dogengers: High School – Series 2022
Featuring the team up of local heroes Ohgaman, KitaQman, Fukuokalibur, El Brave, and Yamashiron as well as up-and-coming hero Rookie, they protect the prefecture from the company Aku no Himitsukessya and its president Yabai Kamen. The success of the series led to a second season, titled Dogengers: Nice Buddy, which aired on April 11, 2021.
Is to really great
Episode 12 should’ve been out for a while now, where is it?
when are you going to upload dogengers high school episode 12 for how long
We do not have a fixed release date. We will update as soon as the next episodes are available. Please wait, thank you!
how long are you going to upload the new episode of Dogengers: High School
We do not have a fixed release date. We will update as soon as the next episodes are available. Please wait, thank you!
yuki’s been missing the whole time and nobody seems to give a damn about that
Its because Jiro is not the mc in this show
What with ads suddenly why put the ads to all and block the video it getting hard to watch
Episode 3 isn’t playable
Fixed it. Thank you for let me know.
Episode 3 seems to be having problems
Fixed it. Thank you for let me know.