Plot Choukou Senshi Changerion
Choukou Senshi Changéríon is a Tokusatsu series created by Toei Company. The series aired from April 3, 1996 to December 25, 1996. It was originally planned to run for a full 52 episodes before being cut down to 39 due to low ratings.
Choukou Senshi Changéríon
The DarkZide stealthily appeared on Earth from their dying world in Dark Dimension to acquire the Larmu, human life-energy, to continue their existence. To counter the threat, Takeshi Munakata of the Cabinet Secret Service established the group SAIDOC to intercept the DarkZide. SAIDOC developed the Crystal Power needed to complete the Changérion project. However, the power was accidentally transferred into the body of detective Akira Suzumura.
Choukou Senshi Changéríon
my gf showed this show to me, it’s so good!
This show is so camp
from episode 6 onwards the videos don’t load 🙁
Fixed it.
Thank you!!
This show is my life